
Privacy policy
The personal information contained on Ovunque s.r.l. website are not 'sensitive' as defined in the Italian Privacy Act L. 27/06/2003, n. 196 (valid from 01/01/2004 subject to restrictions) which brings together the Italian legislation about (eg. L. 31.12.1996, n. 675, its subsequent amendments and additions), that takes into consideration the Guarantor jurisprudence and implements the EU directive 2000/58 on privacy in electronic communications; such as have knowledge of it does not consent its use. Each user takes note and agrees that the information and the data from the Ovunque s.r.l. website, even if they do not constitute industrial secrets, are and remain property of Ovunque s.r.l. itself and agrees not to use or process the information in inconsistent manner with this title.
The personal data conferred on the website or electronic communications sent to this shall be treated in accordance with current legislation and, in particular, the own information sent to the salita della fava greca 3-1b website or inside of it are treated according to the safety measures provided for the purpose to ensure compliance with Italian Privacy Law (ex D.P.R. 318/99). The owner of the personal data of salita della fava greca 3-1b is the same company with legal office in salita della fava greca 3-1b - 16128 Genoa GE, Italy- email: info@ovunque-si.it - tel: +39 010 831 97 40 ; fax:+39 010 831 97 40 ; to which any communication and notification shall be given.
NOTE: The access to the website guarantees the confidentiality of the proper user name, meaning that no other user shall in no way verify what user has previously accessed the website and which path has followed or what information has been taken from it.
The user also agrees that the own personal information will be kept by Ovunque s.r.l. for the only and exclusive purpose to set up a database of those of whom may be interested in subsequent updates or information concerning the company; in the event that, at any time the user do not want to receive further notice from Ovunque s.r.l. or do not wish that the own personal data continue to be part of this database, can make a written request to Ovunque s.r.l., which is committed to immediately erase the information and giving a notice to the user.
The user above is entitled in any case the rights under Art. 7 of the Italian Law 196/2003 and will therefore:
- obtain the cancellation or conversion into anonymous or block of data according to a violation of the law;
- obtain the data updating, rectification and integration;
- certification that such operations were reported to all those who were notified thereof;
- oppose for legitimate reasons to the use of personal data;
- oppose to the use of personal data for commercial purposes.
In the case are set passwords for access to certain information or some navigation paths on the page, is the responsibility of Ovunque s.r.l. to provide it to the user at their own discretion. However, any attempt to access to any protected information and any information misuse constitutes a offense against which Ovunque s.r.l. reserves the right to act in the relevant fora.
This page is a translation of the privacy policy of the Ovunque s.r.l. web site. The translation is done for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for policy. The original version of the policy is the only official and final version.
Intended use of personal data
The personal data is used exclusively as a tool to provide the services required by the users of this website.
Categories of third persons to whom the data may be communicated
To accomplish the above purposes, the personal data may be communicated by paper or informatic tools to the employees, professionals, consultants, other offices of this company or other companies, including foreign companies in communication with the same, as well as our partners and other controlled subsidiary with the conditions set by law for the transfer abroad.
The data will not be disclosed for other purposes.